We're celebrating twenty years of zines at Barnard with a small gathering of current and former staff, faculty who teach with zines, and friends of the zine library.
We're celebrating twenty years of zines at Barnard with a small gathering of current and former staff, faculty who teach with zines, and friends of the zine library.
Each month we draw attention to the depth and breadth of our zine collections by highlighting a topic represented in our holdings. The theme for March2024 is…< zines AND (filipin* OR phillipines) >
This month we're highlighting zine holdings centered around protest – <zines AND protest* > (and limiting the search to zines held at Barnard). As of January 25, 2024, that search yielded 142 results.
In this series, we’ll make syllabi in the form of zines for the classes of our dreams! We’ll reimagine how to construct a syllabus for self-directed continuing education. The four-part series will culminate at the end of the semester with Barnard’s Scholaztic Zine Fair, where we’ll have a chance to share zines with friends and other Barnard students!
Each month we draw attention to the depth and breadth of our zine collections by highlighting a topic represented in our holdings. The theme for January 2024 is…HAIR.
In 2023 (as of December 4) we circulated 394 zines. Many of them were checked out by zine library staff for use in classes, or a loan to the Brooklyn Museum for their little exhibit Copy Machine Manifestos, but 131 were lent to Barnumbia affiliates for research or pleasure reading.
Apply now for a $3000 award to support your research at the archives, library, or zine library.
Claudia Acosta has co-curated with Scout Lee an exhibit called “Weird Rings True” : Cartoon Marginalia Resurfaced from the Abc No Rio Zine Library. The exhibit opens Saturday 12/2 6-9 PM and is viewable through the 17th during gallery hours Fridays 4-7 and Saturdays and Sundays 2-6 at Project Reach 39 Eldridge Street, 4th Fl., New York, NY 10002.
We are elated to announce that the NYC Feminist Zinefest will be return to Barnard College's James Room on April 6, 2024. Tabling applications are due on January 1st, 2024.
This month we're highlighting zine holdings created by non-binary authors– if you want to be Boolean about it < zines AND (nonbinary OR genderqueer OR noncomforming OR non-conforming) > (and limiting the search to zines held at Barnard). As of November 14, 2023, that search yielded 160 results.
The We've Got a Zine for That theme for November 2023 is risograph zines.
The Barnard Zine Library lent four zines to the Brooklyn Museum for its upcoming exhibit Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines.
Senior Nayla Delgado ’24 celebrates Hispanic identity with a collection that centers Hispanic, Latinx, and Spanish-speaking voices.
We've Got a Zine for That! Each month we highlight zines with a topical theme. The theme for October 2023 is Organized Labor, including Student Workers.
We've Got a Zine for That! Each month we highlight zines with a topical theme. The theme for September 2023 is Working Class College Students, or zines made by college students who are working class and/or low-income.
The Barnard Zine Library won a $30,000 award from the Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities.