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Barnard Zine Library News

Barnard Zine Library and Barnard Archives staff were invited to give an introduction to our collections, programs, and philosophies by the Archivists Round Table (ART) of New York.

Every month we highlight a different theme that can be studied or enjoyed using our zine library. This month's WGaZfT is tea. With the NYC weather changing (along with the global climate), some of us are switching from iced to hot tea for the winter.

A zine library staff member curated a display of zines critical of the Barnard and Columbia with the aim of creating a conversation around the privileges we have as members of an elite institution and our obligation to recognize how we can be complicit in systems of oppression locally and abroad.

We're celebrating twenty years of zines at Barnard with a small gathering of current and former staff, faculty who teach with zines, and friends of the zine library.