Zine Sales & Donations!
If you're ready to part with the zines you've collected--or your parents are ready for their attic to part with the zines you've collected, we are happy to add them to your library, as long as they're in scope. Anything out of scope, we'll donate to other zine libraries. We are happy to reimburse your postage and send you some Barnard Zine Library swag in thanks.
We are also glad to add in-scope zines from individual & group zine makers. Barnard zines are generally on the lower end of the production scale, i.e., zines that don't cost much more to make than $5ish. Contact the Zine Librarian if your zine is higher end, but you think still on mission. We will pay for them and/or send you zines and swag in trade. Your choice. Email before mailing us anything.
At the moment, we are especially interested in acquiring zines by women and transfeminine people of color and trans women of all races and ethnicities, though we are eager to accept zines from any time period or subject as long as they fit our collection policy guidelines.
When possible, we like to buy two copies of each zine--one for the archives, and one for the stacks.
Please contact us before making your donation or sending a zine for payment. We will be happy to provide a letter acknowledging the donation, but we cannot provide a valuation with it.
Please contact Jenna Freedman if you have questions or want to discuss your collection.
Jenna Freedman
Barnard Zine Library
3009 Broadway
New York, NY