Grayed out Spotify wrapped logo with "Barnard Zine Library" on top in hot pink. There is also a hot pink zine with a sewn binding in the bottom left corner.

There is a lack of discernible trends, but here are a few observations because our beloved Academic Systems Technologist Cristy Danford ran the query for us. 

The most checked out zines (2x) were…

Why Is the Government Like This : A Zine About Fighting for Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice in the Age of COVID19 (The Spanish language edition ¿Por qué el gobierno es así? : Una fanzine sobre la lucha por el acceso al aborto y la justicia reproductiva en la era de COVID19 was borrowed once.) 


Wild at Heart, a zine that documents the teenage author's experience with a broken-heart, the confusion that accompanies growing-up, and samples of her own creative writing.

Old school zine girlies were popular. 

Lauren Jade Martin had ten different zines borrowed, and someone/someones borrowed nine different issues of Bamboo Girl by Sabrina Margarita Sandata (who now goes by Margarita Alcantara). 

Happy new year!