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Barnard Zine Library News

We're recognizing Professor Lozano for her innovative and collaborative 'Radio Immigrante' project! We've also named three runner-ups - Meredith Benjamin, Wendy Schor-Haim, and Cecelia Lie-Spahn - for their work with the Zine library.

Sillywish #5 is a zine made by a queer, white 14-year-old in 1996. With creator Ocean Capewell's blessing, we have digitized it and provided you a page-by-page view (with transcriptions for screen readers) of her high school freshman self. She writes about depression, body image, and crushing on a friend (using "they" pronouns when "they" was often used by closeted people to avoid specifying a gender, not nonbinary). Other features include quotes from Saved by the Bell and Susan Sontag, zine reviews, and a page about the riot grrrl band Team Dresch.

The Barnard Zine Library is physically closed, but staff are working to collect, catalog, and provide access to zines. We are also prepared to teach classes and support research.