Edited and compiled by Anna Dottle, “Indoorsy” is a compilation zine series that explores the themes of the past and the present through various art media forms. Creators from around the world share short stories, poetry, watercolor, comics, data illustrations, photography, and more.

Illustration of Pashi

Issue One, which focuses on the past, was published in April 2020 during a time when the present and future felt very uncertain. My favorite short story of the issue is "Pashi" by Vt Hung. Told from the point of view of a cat named Pashi, the short fiction shifts the reader's perspective to this furry friend. Pashi recounts how his humans are always home these days, and how they could learn a lesson or two about slowing down time and letting go of stress. After spending so much time in my head worrying about what's going on, it was refreshing to live in someone else's paws. To all pet-lovers, this story is sure to warm your heart. Other topics in Issue One include volcano eruptions, love, and the origin of wine.

Screen time data illustration

Issue Two focuses on the theme of the present. Recently, with all the time we've been spending indoors, my screen time has skyrocketed. After watching the Netflix documentary, "The Social Dilemma", I've been trying my best to stay away from my phone, but sometimes it really does serve as a much-needed escape. Rachel Dottle's data illustration comforted me by showing that I wasn't the only one turning towards my phone, but it also helped me visualize just how much time I was spending with my phone. As opposed to the numbers and small graphs on phone usage that an app provides, Rachel's watercolor illustration makes the issue more personal and more jarring. How has your phone usage been during quarantine? 

Issue Two also features a tarot reading done by Hayley Lynn Pocock who pulled three cards: one for the past, one for the present, and one for the future. Although I'd always been intrigued by tarot card readings, I had never fully committed to jumping down the rabbit hole. Hayley's pull and reading allowed space for me to reflect on my quarantine experience while also offering hope for a post-COVID-19 future. If you're interested in tarot readings or want to get interested in it, I definitely recommend! Other topics in Issue Two include maiden names, how to do nothing, and stagnancy.

Three illustrated tarot cards

It was a joy to have this burst of color in my life. The various mediums of art and storytelling reminded me what it was like to be creative and materialize something out of nothing. Read Indoorsy #1 and Indoorsy #2 through Clio.

Stay Inside

p.s. For those of you who are of age, both zines have a wine recommendation feature from a sommelier!