Anonymously written by “two white people” from the With_drawn Collective who recognize their privilege in a privilege note, Communal Care links individual well-being with mutual aid and the dismantling of patriarchal capitalism.

Communal Care zine cover

In the words of the writers, this zine ”wants to share some ‘easy’ tools for acting towards well-being in time of isolation, so to be better equipped to change ourselves and the fucked up world we live in.” Only when we take care of ourselves, we can take care of others, and then come together to change the capitalist, racist institutions and policies around us. In Communal Care, you can find tips on how to distract yourself from the horrors going on, how to be gentle with yourself, and how to find community even as we are isolated.

While reading Communal Care, it was refreshing and reassuring to see my isolation, stress, and fear be acknowledged. Even though shit has hit the fan, we're all guilty of acting as though this isn't a traumatic event that has impacted our every waking second. But instead of pushing these worries aside as whiny complaints, Communal Care addresses these emotions and provides prompts, meditations, and various other resources on radical self-care. And as a someone studying the inseparable duo of white supremacy and patriarchal capitalism, I also appreciated how the zine connects individual and community well-being with the greater agenda of dismantling these pillars. 

Home Sweet Home artwork

If you're also struggling through times of pandemic and academic stress, and would like some guidance on how to protect and nurture your well-being, give Communal Care a read! You can also find a list of related zines and books at the end of the zine that are perfect for a winter break reading list.