Apr 22

Thinking Outside the Paper: Zines in (and beyond) the Second Language Classroom

Barnard Zine Library, 2nd floor MLC
  • Add to Calendar 2025-04-22 18:00:00 2025-04-22 18:30:00 Thinking Outside the Paper: Zines in (and beyond) the Second Language Classroom In this talk, Spanish-language zine cataloger Nayla Delgado '24 and Lecturer of Spanish Almudena Marín-Cobos will discuss the development of a zine project for Almudena’s Elementary Spanish II course, alternative pedagogical approaches to language teaching, and zine projects in classrooms. Image Image   Barnard Zine Library, 2nd floor MLC Barnard College barnard-admin@digitalpulp.com America/New_York public

In this talk, Spanish-language zine cataloger Nayla Delgado '24 and Lecturer of Spanish Almudena Marín-Cobos will discuss the development of a zine project for Almudena’s Elementary Spanish II course, alternative pedagogical approaches to language teaching, and zine projects in classrooms.

Almudena Marin Cobos on a green and red background
Nayla Delgado '24 headshot