Self-Publishing and Agitprop for Housing Justice
This workshop, led by Exhibits Designer Vanessa Thill and zine librarian Jenna Freedman, will focus on housing justice zines. Facilitators will highlight the importance of self-published media in the context of liberation struggles. “Self-publishing” as a framework is important because it’s about our ability to tell our own stories, archive knowledge and resistance, and circulate agitprop (agitational propaganda) to inspire and draw others into struggle. During the session, we will look at examples of zines as organizing tools. Participants will have the opportunity to make stickers that playfully communicate justice concepts for use in their own on-the-ground outreach. Participants will also be provided with a zine syllabus for further browsing on housing issues within the Barnard Zine Library collection and beyond.
Scholar & Feminist Conference: Housing Justice/Housing Futures for more information