The Barnard Zine Library has more than 100 zines that address reproductive justice issues, with zines representing a range of racial, ethnic, sexuality, gender, and other identities. Titles include
- Who is fit for motherhood? : Why abortion is not the only reproductive right by Lauren Jade Martin
- D.I.Y doula self-care for before, during, + after your abortion / a zine by The Doula Project by the Doula Project
- A Guide to Medication Abortion for Barnumbia by Reproductive Justice Columbia
- Mine : an anthology of reproductive rights by Meredith Stern
Empower : a young mama's guide to taking control by Allison Crews
among many others. The event will include the launch of a reproductive justice zine edited by Ellie Yousif BC '22/Mailman '23 and close readings of repro justice zines from our library by zine library staff and others.